Romacan b'Log

Subs Week 5

Helloooo Sub Families! It’s Week 5 and we’re feeling fine here at camp! We have had a week packed with excitement, special events and even a trip! Mon...

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Subs Week 4

Hello Sub Families! We are officially over halfway done with camp! I cannot believe just how much time has went by. It feels like the blink of an eye....

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Subs Week 3

Hello Sub Families, Another week has flown by here at camp! We have had such sunny days, it has helped our days be full of outdoor fun! This week we h...

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Subs Week 2

Hellooo Sub Families! We started our week with our performance of Grease Lightning! It was such an amazing show and had parts built in where the crowd...

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Subs Week 1

Hello Sub Families! I cannot believe we are officially done with our first week of camp! Time has flown by here, with each day bringing us a new adven...

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Farewell 2023

The buses as they pull away on Departure Day. The speech you hear about your friend as she wins All Around Camper. Closings at Secret Show. “All for o...

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Subs Week 6

Hello Sub-Senior families, Another week, another blog! This time, I cannot wrap my head around the fact that it is about week six! Where is the time g...

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Subs Week 5

Hello Sub-Senior Families, As I’m sitting here writing this week’s blog, the sun is shining and it is HOT outside! We have been so lucky to have so ma...

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Subs Week 4

Dear Sub-Senior families, Wow, has this week flown! Before I get into all the fun festivities from this week, I want to thank you all for making visit...

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Subs Week 3

Dear Sub-Senior families, In week three, the subs made tons of memories, laughed uncontrollably, and cheered a ton :) I cannot believe we are heading ...

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