Romacan b'Log

Debs Week 5

Hello Deb Families! I am SO excited to tell you all about this week. With both the Debs show and Debs Carnival, I would say it was definitely the most...

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Debs Week 4

Hello Deb Families! It was SO nice meeting all of you on Visiting Day! The girls were so excited to see all of you and show you their favorite spots a...

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Debs Week 3

Hello Deb Families! Another week has passed, time is flying here at camp, and the girls are fully into the swing of things now! This week at camp was ...

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Debs Week 2

Hello Deb Families! I cannot believe that Week 2 has come to an end and it is time for a Blog again! Time is flying by here at camp and we are despera...

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Debs Week 1

Hello Deb Families! I cannot believe that it has already been a full week here at camp! Time really does fly by when you are having fun. The girls hav...

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Farewell 2023

The buses as they pull away on Departure Day. The speech you hear about your friend as she wins All Around Camper. Closings at Secret Show. “All for o...

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Debs Week 6

Hello Deb Families! I truly cannot believe that we are beginning our final week at camp. We are practically begging for the time to slow down, even ju...

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Debs Week 5

Hello Deb Families! Another week has flown by here at camp and I truly cannot believe it. We have worked so hard this week as the Debs and I couldn’t ...

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Debs Week 4

Hello Deb Families! It was SO nice meeting all of you on Visiting Day! I had a great time spending the day seeing everyone’s family come together. We ...

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Debs Week 3

Hello Deb Families! I cannot believe we are already in our final month of camp! I feel like the girls just got off those buses last week. We have had ...

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