Romacan b'Log

Annex Week 2

Hi Annex families, This week was a very busy one for the Annex girls. On Monday, the PAWS department held auditions for our production of Camp Rock. T...

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Romrec Week 2

Hello Romrec 2024 families, I can’t believe the second week of camp is already done! I have had such a blast with your girls these past two weeks. On ...

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Romrec Week 1

Hello Romrec 2024 families, What a week it has been!!! I am delighted to be the group head of your girls and to be able to write these weekly b’log up...

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Juniors Week 1

Hi families of our incredible juniors, Wow, what an amazing first week we’ve had at Camp Romaca for 2024. As staff, we couldn’t contain our excitement...

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Annex Week 1

Hi Annex Families, Now that the first week of camp has been completed, I am so excited to tell you all about it. Our summer began with a rainstorm, bu...

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Clubhouse 7 Week 1

Helloooooooo Clubhouse Families!!! Coming to you live from our wonderful camp in the pines after our first full week of camp! The stress and social pr...

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Senior A's Week 1

Hello Senior A 2024 Families! Happy first week of camp, and happy first Romacan b’log of the summer! We started the summer off strong with a great fir...

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Subs Week 1

Hello Sub Families! I cannot believe we are officially done with our first week of camp! Time has flown by here, with each day bringing us a new adven...

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Debs Week 1

Hello Deb Families! I cannot believe that it has already been a full week here at camp! Time really does fly by when you are having fun. The girls hav...

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Inters Week 1

Hello Inter Families! What a busy and exciting week we have all had here at Camp Romaca! Arrival day was as crazy as ever. As soon as the girls steppe...

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