Romacan b'Log

Clubhouse 7 Week 4

Hi Clubhouse Families!!! It was so lovely to meet you all on Sunday. I can see why all of your daughters are so wonderful, the apple doesn’t fall far ...

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Senior A's Week 4

Dear Senior A families, Welcome back to another b’log! Before we get into it, I want to give a quick shoutout to all of you for making visiting day 20...

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Subs Week 4

Hello Sub Families! We are officially over halfway done with camp! I cannot believe just how much time has went by. It feels like the blink of an eye....

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Debs Week 4

Hello Deb Families! It was SO nice meeting all of you on Visiting Day! The girls were so excited to see all of you and show you their favorite spots a...

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Inters Week 4

Hello Inter Families! It was so wonderful meeting all of you on Sunday! Our week kicked off with Twin Night, where our Inters bonded with their camp s...

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Juniors Week 4

Hi Junior Families, We’re over half way now! With only three weeks left of camp, we are already wishing we had more time with your girls. Week four ha...

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Romrec Week 3

Dear Romrec Families, What an amazing action packed week we have had here. Tournaments, trips, Dj Jeff and more. We had the best trip to Cape Cod star...

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Annex Week 3

Hi Annex families, I cannot believe that we have completed three full weeks already. The summer is going by too fast! Last weekend saw our production ...

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Clubhouse 7 Week 3

Mamma Mia, here we go again! Hi Clubhouse families! Welcome back to another installment of the CH7 Blog where you get to hear all about what your Danc...

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Senior A's Week 3

Dear Senior A families, What a fabulous week it was here at camp! I cannot believe three weeks have concluded and that Visiting Day is around the corn...

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