Juniors Week 3

Hello Juniors Families!

It’s crazy to think that we’re 3 weeks into camp! Where has the time gone! This week was interrupted by an insane amount of rain, but we made sure to still have the best time as always! We started off the week with an all camp activity: Romacaween. Everyone was given a group to dress as, such as: Cats, Cowboys, Minions, Rock n’ Roll, Nerds, Angels and Devils! Just as we got started, the rain came down and we decided to change to an all camp movie of THE GREATEST SHOWMAN!! The girls sang along and enjoyed some down time for the afternoon. We ended the night with our tradition of campfire, this time in the Rec Hall! It was incredible to see everyone singing and cheering in a building that they will one day be writing their names in, joining a long line of Romacan campers who have sat before us!

We then went back into our weekly activities, building on our skills in Tennis, Waterskiing, Gymnastics and many more. The girls have been loving their electives in the afternoon, a chance for them to learn new things and develop their independence here at camp. Throughout the week we participated in different evening activities such as: A fashion show, where the girls dressed up as different staff members and were cheered on by those staff. Our OOBS ran an activity using the gymnastic foam blocks, creating different objects out of them in groups, and also we did a Romacan favorite, Statues! We gave them a subject and they had to create a freeze frame of it! They had props and outfits to help, and we chose subjects like: What the counselors do on a night off, Jeff and Daniel at cookout, and all our different activity areas!

Thursday brought us the much anticipated DJ JEFF! The girls were given the opportunity to decorate their DJ Jeff tops with pen, beads and sparkles, before heading down to the Rec Hall for the party of the summer! Glow sticks in hand, they danced the night away with all of their friends across camp, and cheered Romrec on as they performed their dance. They left the night discussing their own Romrec dance, and how excited they were to make their way through camp as they got older!

We now look forward to spending the weekend getting ready for Visiting Day! I know I speak for the whole division when we say we are so excited to see you and spend our day with you!!

See you so soon, Love AJ