Subs Week 1

Dear Subs Families,

The summer has officially begun! We had an amazing first week here at Romaca with only ONE rainy day! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of the summer follows suit and stays sunny!

The girls have been absolutely amazing (no surprise there) and have already fallen into the camp-life routine: wake up, have fun, stay up late, sleep, and repeat. I’m so glad to have gotten to know these girls this past week and I already can’t imagine having any other campers to call my own.

We had a jam-packed week of camp! After the girls got all unpacked and settled in, we began the first night with Wish Night, as always, and the girls represented our division well as they were all decked out in green. They made their wishes for the summer and met up with their camp sisters for the first visit of the season! On Saturday, we jumped right into the camp schedule and tried our best to tire the girls out! The girls even auditioned for their musical, since Subs are first! Woohoo!! We ended the night with Get to Know Your Counselor where the skits and songs were filled to the brim with creativity.

On Sunday, we had a chilled out day to ease the girls into the Romaca routine and keep them from tiring themselves out too much. We took bunk photos and played everyone’s favorite camp game….. PREDATOR! The girls were so into it, decked out in black and camo with black makeup under their eyes to set the mood. They even got to enjoy a Rec Swim after. We ended the day with Get to Know Your Camper, and let me tell you, they did not disappoint! Some girls imitated their counselors (and favorite Group Head) and others put a refreshing spin on it and dressed up (tastefully) as the Kardashians to introduce themselves. It was a great time.

Monday was our rainy day so we got to wake up late (yay!) and we watched a movie during Rec Swim. The girls have spent a lot of time in PAWS this week, perfecting their acting and character voices for their show on Saturday, Spongebob: The Musical! This group has so much talent and I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of them on the big screen someday!

The rest of the week, we followed the typical Romaca schedule, ending each night with Evening Activity as a rehearsal in the Rec Hall, besides Wednesday where we had Twin Night instead! Not to brag, but the Subs absolutely crushed it, coming up with creative duo-costumes with their camp sisters and totally sweeping the awards! I was very proud of them.

That’s all for now, I will fill you in more next week! Until then, be safe and have a great time!

Jess Romaniello