Romrec Week 1

Dear Romrec families

What can I say, this first week has been full of crazy outfits, late nights and this morning, they even missed flag pole! But, it has been a week where the division, myself, and the counselors have bonded immensely. I’m currently writing on Wednesday evening as we are off on the Romrec hike tomorrow and won’t be back until late Saturday night. As you know, we started this summer journey leading camp fire for the first time as Romrec, the whole division was so excited to walk in holding hands, wearing their Romrec clothing and chanting until the inner circle was formed. It was a truly magical moment I know none of them will forget. Saturday night was Meet your Counselors, where all the counselors performed by department to introduce themselves to the rest of camp, they went all out for this making sure the campers were as impressed as they could be. Romrec then cheered making us all seem like we were too good, they then led our alma mater and friends and pals.

On Sunday we started the day with picture day where we all stood side by side on the dock, nearly sinking it to the bottom of Plunkett, but taking the most beautiful photo. Later that afternoon we had Get to know your Camper where Romrec sang an amazing song which ended in them asking someone to be their oob and by drenching all the kids and staff with water guns, it’s safe to say it was an amazing and perfect ending to the evening.

This week the division started their activities doing everything from water skiing to tennis. Strength training and spinning was of course a bit hit, I was also hunted down to be told how amazing they were in fitness! We have had some awesome evening activities including Senior B statues, Twin night and of course the first social with Greylock. We also played the string game where we all shared our goals for the summer,it was truly magical to hear what they all had to say and to see how the bond they all have as a division will last for years to come.

All in all the division is having the most wonderful time being back in their summer home, all the campers want Romrec to be their friends, younger divisions are forever knocking on the bunk and asking to come in to say hello and to get to know them, this division truly are amazing role models for the younger divisions, they are everything younger camps should aspire to be like, in Romrec and as individuals.

I am so excited to spend another summer with the division, I am beyond grateful to you for allowing me to spend my 4th summer with them. They are all truly inspirational individuals who have taught me a lot since I’ve known them so I thank you.

Warm regards