Inters Week 5

Dear Inter Families,

This past week was another big success! We all enjoyed ourselves and soaked in the SUNSHINE! We saw the super juniors and juniors play this past week! Their performance of Snow White was magical! The singing and costumes were incredible!

This week we also had BIRTHDAY NIGHT! The theme was “Casino Night”. The entire camp came together to celebrate birthdays in every season. This special event was hosted by the Senior-A’s. They did a wonderful job! They put on a skit for us, served us dinner and led an evening activity. The decorations were so nice and creative. We dressed up in seasonal colors and bonded with other birthday girls in our season.

For one of our evening activities, we played Family Feud! This was such an awesome game to play with the girls. Two bunks competed against each other at a time and the counselors were team captains. We had the most fun time guessing the answers and pretending we were really in a game show. Bunk 8 won the championship and they earned extra flashlight time. I went ahead and gave extra flashlight time to the other bunks as well for showing good sportsmanship.

We also played a camp-wide game of “Lollipop”. This is basically a campus-wide game of tag with lollipops. The girls each get a lollipop with another camper’s name on it and they catch the camper whose name they have. The girls really enjoyed this activity and I enjoyed watching them look for the different campers on their lollies.

On backwards Friday, all the girls came to flagpole with their clothing backwards and enjoyed pasta dinner (at 9am). All activities were reversed and we made it through to the end of the day without too much confusion and had a delicious egg and sausage breakfast at 6pm. Saturday was our traditional all camp Romaca Relay (formerly known as Apache Relay) and all of the girls were on the green or white team and participated and then cheered on their teammates!

This week we will also be kicking off special events and preparing for Olympics! Everyone is excited to participate and compete! I can’t wait to update you more about the things to come!

Best, Danielle