Clubhouse 7 Week 2

Hi Clubhouse Families,

What an exciting week we’ve had at Romaca!! Between Fourth of July, Campfire, and a t-shirt exchange, the fun doesn’t seem to stop in Clubhouse 7.

On Sunday, we celebrated Independence Day with our annual Paint Your Counselor event as well as a trip to Berkshire Bob’s for a fireworks show. It was so fun watching the girls get messy and silly with each other, while also using their superb Creative Arts skills to paint their summer mommies red, white, and blue. On the ride to Berkshire Bob’s, we shared a bus with the Romrec girls, which lent itself to tons of singing and cheering the whole way there and back.

However, while some things always stay the same about our July Fourth celebrations at camp, this year we added a new morning activity into the mix - our annual game of Predator, where the entire camp is separated into teams based on animals in the food chain to engage in a huge game of tag! While Predator normally occurs on the first Sunday of camp, we postponed it this year until our camp-wide negative COVID tests were received (woohoo!!) in order to do the event justice and properly mix up all our age groups for this fun all camp activity. To give this year’s Predator a cute Fourth of July spin, we changed our normal food chain animals (mosquito, spider, shrew, snake, and hawk) to a Fourth of July-themed food chain (chipmunk, groundhog, deer, grizzly bear, and bald eagle). The girls had a blast getting to know Romacans from all divisions, as well as each being the third in command on their respective Predator teams, during the game.

On Monday night, we had our second campfire, where the girls reflected upon the past week at camp as we all came together to sing our favorite camp songs. I loved using Campfire as a comparison point between last week and this week; it was so exciting to see how much more comfortable and close the girls were with one another after only a week of camp. I can’t wait to see what their relationships are like by week 7! On Tuesday night, we partook in a t-shirt exchange, where the Clubhouse girls built upon these relationships by each drawing another Clubhouse girl’s plain white tee from a bag to decorate as memorabilia from the summer. It was so heartwarming to see how well the girls know each other; each shirt was designed so personally and thoughtfully!

This weekend, we have Twin Night (a costume party where each camp sister pair dresses up together) and Romacaween (a Romaca Halloween party with fun stations and games). I can’t wait, and I know your daughters can’t either!

Have a great weekend, Sam Schmaier