Clubhouse 7, Week 3

Clubhouse 7, Week 3

Hello Clubhouse Families!

This week we have had another magical week at camp and thank goodness the hot weather is done! The girls cannot believe that Visiting Day is just around the corner! They are all super excited to see you and show all the wonderful things they have made in Creative Arts and talk about the tournaments that they have been on so far.

The girls had the pleasure of watching the Annex Show, Beauty and the Beast, and the Senior A’s Show, Shrek, this week. They were both awesome. It is simply amazing to watch the campers put together a show in such a few short days.

As the Soccer World Cup is coming to an end, we had our very own mini World Cup with the camp split into teams representing the remaining countries in the tournament. The girls has an excellent time in their team colors, cheering on their teams. It was lovely to see them involved with all camp.

This week is now their chance to shine on the stage as their show is coming up on Visiting Day. They have been practicing really hard and are very excited to present their show to you. They have also had some more socials with Camp Winadu and Camp Greylock.

They girs are also looking forward to DJ JEFF this week as well.

Wishing you all safe travels up to camp and I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.
