Juniors, Week 4

Hello Junior families!

Phew what a busy, fun-filled week! All the campers had such an amazing time on Sunday when all the parents came to visit. It made me so happy to see all the families around camp joining in on activities. Watching the girls jump on the Wibit hand in hand with their moms and dads, and show off all the new skills they’ve learned so far this summer made for a very rewarding day! Ending with plenty of hugs and kisses, the campers jumped right back into activities that evening with a super fun game of Statues (a camp favorite, for sure). The Junior girls then began their week with Counselor Hunt, where they got to travel around camp with their camp sisters and hunt for the counselors who were hiding all over the place! Imagine a giant sized version of hide and seek, it was a ton of fun. On Tuesday this week the little Junior babies participated in Cliff Brodeur; where everyone on camp came to Rec Hall dressed in proper ‘country wear’ such as flannels, boots, cowboy hats, and pigtails! Everyone learned dances such as the Cotton Eyed Joe, Hoedown Throwdown, and Promenade. All of Romaca looked very cute. Wednesday made for an extremely busy day for the Juniors as they had their Trip Day AND “hike” in the same day! For the trip we traveled with the Inters division and went to Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art; where all the campers go to see original works of art by Eric Carle such as: The Hungry Caterpillar, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, etc. We then went to cool off by getting some delicious homemade ice cream at the Amherst Ice Cream Parlor. Afterwards we wrapped up our trip day with some shopping in Northampton. Most of the campers snoozed on the bus ride home, it was precious. That evening the Juniors and their counselors all traveled up to the nature building to set up tents and make s’mores for the evening. Every camper had a really good time getting the opportunity to sleep in their sleeping bags in tents under the stars. It was a very warm night and all the girls were super cozy. I have to say, we were all blown away by how adaptable and chill they all were, just having fun sleeping in tents and relaxed and excited about the whole thing-not a complaint at all!

All in all, it was a busy and exciting week that seemed to fly by! There was definitely a lot going on and everyone has been full of smiles and laughs the whole time :) If only the Romaca summer would slow down, it’s crazy how quickly the time has passed already! We are all making the very most of it!

Talk to you again next week! :)
