Inters, Week 2

Hello Inter Families,

It was a beautiful week for the Inters! We started with the ever-so -famous Twin Night. The girls got together with their camp sisters and created the most amazing, and original costumes I’ve ever seen. From Ketchup and Mustard to the Powerpuff Girls, there was so much creativity and overall fun put into it. We were also invited to watch the Sub- Senior show, “42nd Street”. The Inters were able to see the play put on by some of their camp sisters. There were many laughs and much cheering going on!

Counselor Auction was such a hit! The bunks pulled their money together and won prizes such as: a ride on the boat, water-gun fight with the OOBS, milkshakes, and PIZZA PARTIES! (Who doesn’t love that last one, right?)

Fourth of July started with red, white, and blue spirit head to toe! The Inters and their counselors underwent a rap battle with the use of 4th of July vocabulary. We had some awesome beats filled with USA chants and patriotic flavor. In only 45 minutes they created platinum records, and I could not be more proud.

The afternoon was spent under a gorgeous blue sky playing American themed games. We had hot dog and pie eating contests, state naming trivia, relay races, and so much more! It was beyond fun trying new activities, and they especially loved painting their counselors HEAD TO TOE! (I’m still trying to get that red paint off!) By the time the sun set, we enjoyed the gorgeous view and spectacular weather at Berkshire Bob’s. The fireworks display had those little eyes lit up and smiles from ear to ear.

Our week was legendary! Polaroids captured every moment and the memories that were made will last a lifetime. Next week will be even better.

With love,
