Clubhouse 7 Week 2

Clubhouse 7 Week 2

Dear Clubhouse 7 Parents,

Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July weekend!

We have been busy as bees here at camp. This past week was full of amazing special events and we made some great memories. This week we started off with Miss Romaca. Annex worked together as a team as they dressed their OOBS up in a pageant worthy costume so they could actively compete in a talent/beauty competition! The fourth of July was a “BLAST” (and I don’t just mean fireworks at Bershire Bob’s) as well! We started off the morning greeted by King George, AKA Daniel, at flagpole trying to raise the British Flag! We stopped him in his tracks and proudly raised the American Flag and sang the National Anthem! The spirit did not end there as we were given a challenge to compose an America Rap Song. They truly amaze me with how quickly and flawlessly they can collectively create a song or rap and present it to the camp. The Patriotic spirit did not end there… Clubhouse took on “The American Challenge”, a series of challenges in which the girls rotated from station to station to complete each element! Some of the stations included, apple pie eating contest, completing a puzzle of the United States, Party in the USA dance and an Accent/Slang station! After the American Challenge we participated in one of our favorite 4th of July tradition… PAINT YOUR COUNSELOR!!!! Stars and Stipes galore (and hand prints too) were painted on our 12 counselors as they paraded our masterpieces to the camp. They even managed to turn their OOB’s hair completely blue! We ended of day with an amazing fireworks display at Berkshire Bob’s!

We are on top of the world in Clubhouse, or that’s what it felt like when we hiked up Great Mountain! I was excited to join the girls on this journey and I was so proud of each and every one’s effort to push themselves to be successful on this venture! This will certainly be a memory that will last a lifetime!!

Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend! Can’t believe that two weeks have already flown by! Looking forward to visiting day next weekend!

Warm regards,

Becky McIver